Al aportar tu donativo al Fondo de Beca Madre Tere estas contribuyendo a que muchos niños y niñas de escasos recursos puedan recibir la mejor educación católica de valores completamente gratis! No esperes más conviertete en el padrino o madrina de un niño y contribuye a su educación.
*Contribución única
*Contribución mensual
*Contribución Anual
"Porque dando es como recibimos"
By donating to the Madre Tere Schoolarship Fund you are contributing to this Project of Love which will benefit many children whose families do not have enough economic resources to support their education. With your help they will receive the best Catholic education. Now is the time to become an sponsor of a child and to give him/her the best gift they can receive; Education.
*One installment donation
*Monthly donation
*Yearly donation
“For it is in giving that we receive.”